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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Diamond Fashion Necklace Jewellery Collection 10

Diamond Fashion Necklace.
By Aamir Mannan.
The Star Diamond is the stone of Venus gives superstitions extinguished even when the effects of the venom are on the rise and growing properly.By z a y c y. 
 Diamond Taurus and Ross Bridge is the balance.
The raw character of those whose names may re t u t u b e c a u and V suits is a gem from the start.
Those who are born in April and May for the diamond stone is called congenital.
Birthday Diamond Stone says in English.
Total diamond for Taurus bridge and the six figure kit six figures is usually suits.
The owner of the Taurus people are born they are very
 Happy Friday is the day for them, they are blue in all shades of is diamond stone is lucky. strong and the strong force are owned by 

Ruby Karachi Fashion Bridal Jewellery Collection 39

Ruby Karachi Bridal Jewellery
By Aamir Mannan.
We make every effort beautiful you and the people you want to see more beautiful work complete
 the world to have the largest choice of stone your choice   rubies and ruby jewelry made ​​of ancient and modern design which can increase your beauty were indeed we hope you are appreciating our efforts and we good for the great majority continue to try to do is your choice of special

Emerald Fashion Bridal Jewellery Collection 16

Emerald Bridal Jewellery .
By Aamir Mannan.
There are some historical facts about the famous emerald mention this will be interesting here too many characters in the stone is the emerald.Green is the best boss in the Hazrat Ali said about him in this horrible dream man do not bother to use. About Emerald Emerald is the view of Imam Moosa Raza is the solution to every problem in 

this stone is attributed to Imam Hasan from qbah. Tary opponents fear the enemy that is dominated by wearing this emerald heart tbyt relaxation of comfort and satisfaction that comes.When tied to a woman's thigh is a famous proverb in 

Ruby Fashion Bridal Jewellery Collection 38

Ruby Bridal Jewellery.
By Aamir Mannan.
We hrad my elderly women granny grandma's house as a child will hear many stories have we forgot most of them mgran Some of the stories mgran or certain things in every man's mind the impression it leaves on the line as these things Fairy stone giants, including giant magician and  of rubies Ruby Lal We all have heard stories of rubies zkran Ruby and 
Ruby are many stories would have had an important role of the 

email by Ruby And the shiny one is as bad as the situation was much the same price used to value the That was the story of a traditional old fashioned common man other than the king could not keep up Robbie could not and Today we have made it easy for you to purchase Ruby and Ruby necklace, we are presenting a sigh that you will love because we know your love special your choice is great honor for us.                                  

Monday, April 29, 2013

Emerald Fashion Bridal Jewellery Collection 15

Emerald Bridal Jewellery.
By  Aamir Mannan.
  Aap ki pasnd hai khaas
                           Your Choice Great Honor For Us 
      FA manan jewelers where you can get jewelery of every kind. We design your jewelery in modern ways and our workers design this jewelry with God gifted qualities they have in this join our of jewelry making which make you look different from other which is the soul purpose of jewelry making and 

wearing. Our jewelry will make you look better in every kind of functions and will show ur real high standard.
This will make us proud we respect your choice ur choice matter alot to us. Prouu.d t.o serve yo

Pearl Fashion Beautiful Rings Jewellery Collection 5

Pearl Beautiful Rings.
By Aamir Mannan.
The true pearl jewelers is divided into a number of them and tell them how we.

  1. Spiritless pearl.
  2. Yellow pearl.
  3. Colored stone beads.
  4. Salsug inous green pearl.
  5.   Dark ink pearl Mile.
  6.   Pearl white color.
  7.   Orange colored beads.
  8. Blue pearl.
  9. Srahy the pearl.
  10. Oval egg shaped pearl.
  11. Oriental pearl or black pearl.
  12. Lentil seed pearls worth .

Diamond Health Earring Jewellery Collection 9

  1. Treating different diseases with diamonds.
  2. Diamonds is elixir for arm strength medicine is very useful.
  3.   Lazy and cheap use of diamond weakness and impotence in men is eliminated،
  4. Diamond produces sex hormones.
  5. Dead and gone strength to strength produces diamond.
  6. Diamond  disease caused by sugar in the medicine gets rid of errors.
  7. Pan over barren woman is a diamond.
  8. Diamond palsy and epilepsy medicine for arthritis pain and is elixir. 
  9. Note one thing here, especially Generated from the diamond not to 

use any medication at all unless a physician until seeing this medicine does not give him permission to us.And we will keep you informed of absolute diamond, you may be able to use as it can benefit. The world's precious gem stone diamond today we have for you a person who will love you because we know your love special.

  1. ہیرے سے مختلف بیماریوں کا علاج
  2. ہیرے کی دوائی قوت باہ کے لئے اکسیر ہے  بے حد مفید ہے
  3.  ہیرے کے استمال سے مرد میں کاہلی اور سستی کمزوری اور نامردی کا خاتمہ ہوجاتا ہے
  4. ہیرا جنسی ہارمون پیدا کرتا ہے
  5. ہیرا قوت مردی اور جماع کی طاقت پیدا کرتا ہے
  6. ہیرا زیابطیس کے مرض میں اس دوائی شوگر کی وجہ سے پیدا ہونے والی خرابیاں دور کرتا ہے
  7. ہیرا عورت کا بانجھ پین ختم کرتا ہے
  8. ہیرا فالج اور لقوہ مرگی ریاحی درد اور گٹھیا نقرس کے لئے اس کی دوائی اکسیر ہے

یہاں ایک بات خاص طور سے نوٹ کر لیں کہ ہیرے سے تیار شدہ کوئی دوائی اس وقت تک ہرگز استمال نہ کریں جب تک کوئی طبیب اس دوائی کو دیکھ کر اس کے استمال کی اجازت نہ دے دے اور یہ اس وقت ممکن ہوگا جب دوائی میں استمال کیا ہوا ہیرا پوری طرح مدیر کر لیا گیا ہو ورنہ اس کی دوائی سے فائدے کے بجاۓ شدید نقصان ہوسکتا ہے اور ہم آپ کو اس مطلق آگاہ کرتے رہیں گی تا کے آپ ہیرے کو سہی طور پر استمال کر سکیں اور اسے فائدہ حاصل کر سکیں ہیرا دنیا کا قیمتی پتھر ہے ہم آپ کے لئے لائے ہیں آج ہیرے کے بندے جو آپ کو بہت پسند آئے گیں کیوں کے ہم جانتے ہیں آپ کی پسند ہے خاص

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Emerald Pakistan Bridal Jewellery Collection 14

We went to a wedding ceremony.So we see many new rituals.First, the bride had to go home. So we asked a relative, brother of the bride's house for what are today.If this is the henna ceremony today.We asked what is the henna ceremony.We learned that the bride's henna must be placed.Sister of the groom, henna will apply.And hootenanny will be a lot.We thought let's go and see what we have.So we have to go with the ceremony.The bride's family concurrently arrived there was plenty of color.Pay the beat of the bride's friends were busy with wedding songs.Wedding songs were 

being sung and well-swing.We also got into the back seat.And we began to enjoy the environment.We will shortly come to bridal brides are having the sound turned way.We saw a girl wearing yellow clothes coming out veil.This story is in progress.

ایک شادی کی تقریب میں ہم گئے تو ہم کو بہت سی نئی رسمیں دیکھنے کو ملیں پہلے تو دلہن کے گھر جانا تھا تو ہم نے ایک رشتے دار سے پوچھا کے بھائی آج دلہن کے گھر کس لئے جارہے ہیں تو اس بتایا کے آج مہندی کی رسم ہے ہم نے پوچھا کے مہندی کی رسم کیا ہوتی ہے اس سے ہمیں پتا چلا کے دلہن مہندی لگائی جائے گی جو دولہا کی بہنیں اور بھابیاں مہندی لگائیں گی اور خوب ہلا گلا ہوگا ہم نے سوچا چلو ہم بھی چل کے دیکھتے ہیں کے کیا ہوتا ہے تو ہم بھی اس تقریب ساتھ چل پڑے جب دلہن کے گھر پہنچے تو وہاں خوب رنگ جما ہوا تھا ڈھولک کی تھاپ پے دلہن کی سہیلیاں شادی کے گیت گانے میں مصروف تھیں اور خوب زور شور سے شادی گانے گائے جارہے تھے ہم کو بھی پچھلی نشستوں میں جگہ مل گئی اور ہم بھی اس ماحول لطف اندوز ہونے لگے کچھ ہی دیر میں ہم کو دلہن کے آنے کا شور سنائی دیا کے راستہ دو دلہن آرہی ہے ہم نے دیکھا کے ایک لڑکی پیلے کپڑے پہنے گھونگھٹ نکالے چلی آرہی ہے یہ قصہ ابھی جاری ہے

We were in a wedding ceremony, we to new rules to watch was to go to the house of the bride.We have asked a relation with the brother of the bride home today who are going to.