Thursday, April 23, 2015

African New Fashion 2015 Bridal Gold Wedding Jewellery 10023

African New Fashion 2015 Bridal Gold Wedding Jewellery.
Aamir Mannan.

The West African Savannah stretches from the Atlantic coast of the Senegal to lake Chad in central Africa and separates the Sahara Desert from the equatorial rain forest belt. Here is found the bush scrub and grass plains which is the home of farmers and herders. The land is much drier and infertile but is in the heart of the trade routes linked with north and west Africa. Gold jewelry is a commodity and is lavished on the gilded courts and riches of royalty. The Dogon of Mali are found here, high up in the Bandiagara Escarpment, which are a row of cliffs that stretch one hundred twenty five miles from northeast to southwest, parallel to the Niger River. Some of the cliffs are two thousand feet high


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