Monday, April 20, 2015

African New Fashion 2015 Girl Bridal Gold Wedding Jewellery 10020

African New Fashion 2015 Girl Bridal Gold Wedding Jewellery.
Aamir Mannan.

The three areas I will concentrate on in this unit are the Equatorial region, the Savannah and the Sahara regions of Africa. Using these three regions will give a well rounded view that will encompass most of Africa s climates. What is so important to realize is that the dryness of the Sahara offers little or no chance or availability of materials for making jewelry. They get their materials from animal skins and from trade from other places. Brass and copper are widely used in the Savannah region because they are in the heart of trade routes between north and west Africa. Super fashion diamond Jewelry.The people of the equatorial rain forest have derived their wealth from trade. In the beginning of the fifteenth century gold and ivory were traded for glass beads, copper, brass and coral.


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