Friday, September 27, 2013

Emerald And Laois Lazuli Bracelet Jewellery Collection 34

Emerald And Laois Lazuli Bracelet Jewellery.
a Fashion jewellery by lapis lazuli and emerald chrysoprase and 18k gold bracelet 
By Aamir mannan.

It is the presence of traces of these in an otherwise colourless crystal that produces their colour varieties. more will be said about the function of these 'transition' element , when dealing with the spectroscope. granted that there are a considerable number of red, 

blue and green gemstones, there are very few that can approach ruby, sapphire and emerald in their rich shades of these colour and a colour sensitive and trained eye can go a long way towards distinguishing them from other natural gemstones, glass imitations, or even synthetic counterparts. it is indeed worthwhile for a beginning gemmologist to practice at every opportunity the sight identifications of the various gems and to pay special attention to the particular grades of colour typical of each species.


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