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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Emerald And ruby Bridal Pakistani Jewellery Collection 32

Emerald And ruby Bridal Pakistani Jewellery.
Fashion jewellery in emerald and ruby bridal weddings jewellery iijw-13-grand-finale-gold-ruby-briolette-earrings-necklace.
By Aamir Mannan.
As would appear in a singly refractive stone such as diamond, each edge appears as a double line (see figure 3.1). a word of warning, however, should be uttered here; according to their crystal structure, all doubly refracting stones have either one or two direction in which only single refraction obtains. those gemstones belonging to the tetragonal, 

trigonal or hexagonal system of crystals have only such direction; one 'optic axis' as it called. these minerals, which are grouped together optically us 'uniaxal', include zircon, corundum (ruby and sapphire), beryl (emerald and aquamarine), tourmaline, and quartz (amethyst and citrine). the minerals crystallising in either the orthorhombic, monoclinic or triclinic systems have two optic axes, and are called 'biaxial'. these include peridot, chrysoberal (alexandrite), topaz, and spodumene (kunzite) among the coommoner gemstones.

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