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Sunday, May 25, 2014

French Polynesia Pearl Diamond jewelry 2

French Polynesia Pearl Diamond Jewelry.
By Aamir Mannan.
Megasthenes, the Greek geographer and writer, who was born in Asia Minor (modern day Turkey) and lived during the period 350-290 B.C. accompanied Alexander's general Seleucus Nicator in his Asiatic conquests, and was later appointed as ambassador to the court of Sandrocottus (Chandragupta Maurya) in Pataliputra, India. He entered India through the land of the five rivers, the Punjab, and proceeded by road to Pataliputra. During his assignment in India he visited many regions of India, including Madurai, the capital of the Pandya kingdom. While in southern India, he also learnt about the neighboring island of Sri Lanka which he called "Taprobane," and its valuable resources, such as pearls and a variety of gemstones. Subsequently he wrote his famous work "Indica" in which he wrote that Taprobane was an important source of large pearls. Megasthenes in his works also wrote about the pearl fishery in the Persian Gulf.

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